Mandatory Girls' Lacrosse Team Meeting TODAY

Mandatory Girls' Lacrosse Team Meeting TODAY
4/20/2021, 3:00 PM

Covid-19 has caused many delays & inconveniences this year, to say the least. It has even disrupted the start of the Girls' Lacrosse season. That being said, all girls interested in trying out for the Girls' Lacrosse Team, must join Mrs. Tolve tomorrow (TUESDAY, APRIL 20) at 3pm for a MANDATORY meeting. This meeting will be held in the 'Oval' (enter campus via 83rd Street or 85th Street & Narrows Avenue). Be sure to bring down your completed paperwork so that it can be checked & returned to you, if corrections need to be made. Below is what each player will need, pay close attention to the 'details' as these are the main reasons paperwork is returned/student are denied being able to participate:

PSAL Pre-Participation Exam Form - must be completed in blue or black ink only & contain the MD's signature, stamp, & registry number to be valid (must submit original form - no faxed, electronic, or photo copies accepted)
PSAL Interval Health History Form - completed within 30 days of the start of the session (be sure to print your 'clearance' email - it will be sent to whatever address you/your parent or guardian enters)

PSAL Parental Consent Form - must be completed in blue or black ink & contain the parent/guardian's initials on all 13 lines, signature, & emergency contact information to be valid (must submit original form -no faxed, electronic, or photo copies accepted)
NYC DOE Consent to COVID-19 Testing Form - this form must be completed in blue or black ink only & submitted for EVERY athlete, regardless of whether it was already submitted for in-school testing (a new form is required for everyone)

Coach Tolve will also have important information from Coach Shipman regarding team rules, expectations, & more. We are hopeful that tryouts will begin on Wednesday, April 21, but CANNOT confirm this at this time.

More information will follow.
Once again, please be sure to attend & BRING YOUR PAPERWORK! Remember, only students will valid paperwork/only students who have completed ALL of these forms correctly will be able to participate/tryout for the team.

Coach Tolve

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