Message from Principal Houlihan

Fort Community,
Summer School wraps up this week with administration of Regents exams August 16-17.  Registered students received an email confirmation via gmail account.  
Congratulations to everyone who participated in the opportunity to recover credits and/or retake Regents exams this summer.
65% and above is passing for course or Regents credit.  A reminder that students who earned credits for a Regents course in addition to a score between 50-64%, either on the June or August exams, are eligible for a waiver.  The school will process the waiver requests and the WA code will appear on the transcript in September.  Students eligible for the waiver can retake the exam in January 2023.
Syncgrades will replace Pupilpath as the gradebook and communication system at Fort Hamilton for SY2022-23.  More information will be shared in late August, but students will use their accounts to log into Syncgrades and parents will use the email address on file with the NYC DOE.  In the meantime, summer grades will be emailed to students via account and the DOE will update NYCSA.  School will be CLOSED August 19-26, so please reach out to [email protected] if you need  assistance with NYCSA account. 
Select staff will be at school starting August 29.  UFT Staff return on September 6, 2023 and 1st day of classes for students is Thursday, September 8, 2023.
Enjoy the remainder of the summer.
K Houlihan, Principal