An important message from Principal Houlihan- August 18, 1023

Fort Community,

Summer School has ended and we'll be closed August 21-25.  Certain PSAL activities will be taking place, but there will be no staff on site to assist with transcript requests or other school related items.


New Student Orientation is either 8/30 (last name A-L) OR 8/31 (last name M-Z) starting at 9am in the auditorium.


Students should make sure they can access their NYC DOE accounts ( that they will use while in a NYC public school.  This will give you access to communication with staff, grades, google classroom, and checking your program that will be available 9/6 at 3pm.  Please note that there will be program changes in the coming weeks, so please print or copy the schedule on 9/6and follow that on the first day of classes, 9/7.


Students will have the opportunity to come for a MetroCard on 9/5 and 9/6 from 9am to 2pm.  We will also be helping students replace their ID card as needed.


Enjoy the remainder of the summer.  SY2023-24 will be a great year and we're glad to be sharing it with you.


K Houlihan
