Parent Coordinator
school community by working with the principal, school staff, Parent-Teacher Association (PTA), and community groups. The Parent Coordinator’s role is to provide information, answer questions, help access resources for parents and students, and work closely with the PTA. Ms. Ruales also meets face-to-face with parents to assist with any issue that may arise or if parents have concerns about the student’s education.
In addition to every student and family having a NYC School Account.
The Parent Coordinator is also the Language Access Coordinator.
The Parent Coordinator coordinates opportunities for students which she shares. These opportunities include scholarships, internships, and summer jobs. She also supervises SYEP students during the summer. The Parent Coordinator continues to reach families via phone to assist with student DOE emails, NYCSA creation codes for parents, and other resources for parents and students. We urge you to take the opportunity to contact the Parent Coordinator, attend PTA meetings, partake in parent workshops, and be involved in your child’s education.
When parents and school staff work together to support learning, students:
• earn higher grades and test scores,
• enroll in higher-level programs,
• are promoted more and earn more credits,
• adapt better to school and attend more regularly,
• have better social skills and behavior
• graduate and go on to higher education.
The Parent Coordinator may be contacted via telephone at school (718) 748- 1537, ext. 1457, and via email [email protected]

Remind- Remind is a free, safe messaging app that keeps families up to date with what is happening in the school. To register, text @mhouli to the number 81010
NYCSA- The NYC Schools Account allows you to view your child’s grades, report cards, attendance history, test scores, transportation information, IEP information, submit COVID consent forms, track your child’s progress to graduation, and resetting your child’s DOE email.
DOE (Department of Education) email:
Every New York City public school student has a DOE account. It is created automatically when you enroll in school. Your NYC DOE account stays the same the entire time you are in school, and with it you can access all DOE technology platforms. Platforms include TeachHub, Google for Education, iLearnNYC, Microsoft Office, and Zoom.
Remind- Remind is a free, safe messaging app that keeps families up to date with what is happening in the school. To register, text @mhouli to the number 81010