Fort Hamilton High School News and Information - November 14, 2022

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Fort Hamilton High School
Kaye Houlihan
Fort Community,Reminder about the PTA meeting this evening at 7pm, November 14. Please register and you'll receive the link to participate in virtual PTA meeting:PTA registration lnk: Parent-Teacher Conferences are 11/17 and 11/18. Thursday evening from 5:30-8pm and Friday afternoon from 1-3pm are opportunities for staff to reach out per your request. Please request that staff call you (one request for each staff member) at this PTC link:Special bell schedule from 8am to 11am on 11/18 to allow for afternoon PT Conferences.8:15am 2nd period8:56am 3rd period9:37am 4th period10:18am 8th periodWe're in the final full week of MP2 that will close on November 23. School will be closed to observe Thanksgiving November 24 & 25. Classes resume for MP3 on Monday, November 28.K Houlihan