Arts and Business » Writing Policy

Writing Policy

Writing in Urban Arts

Expectations: Daily Writing Opportunities in Urban Arts

  1. Analysis of plays and various scenes from plays.
  2. Daily journals.
  3. Develop vocabulary definitions and usages using Microsoft Word “look up” feature.
  4. Reports/essays that compare and contrast genres/time periods/composers/artists.
  5. Research and create original business documents such as Annual Report, Business Plan and Marketing Plan.
  6. Resumes/news releases/letters/flyers.
  7. Practice logs.
  8. Vocabulary development using musical selections and other various musical publications.
  9. Writing After Action Reviews (AAR) of events and activities.
  10. Writing the Aim on the chalkboard and summarizing the lesson in notebooks.
  11. Writing homework responses on the board, current events, group work with written responses, research articles.
  12. Written analysis and critiques of various artwork.
  13. Within a PowerPoint project, researching an interesting topic of choice, summarizing and presenting the salient points in an artistic and professional manner.