General Information & Student Services
General Information & Student Services
In the event of absence, the student must present a signed note indicating reason for absence to all subject teachers. Absence notices must have the following information: student’s name, official class, OSIS ID number and the dates of absence(s). After all teachers have signed the note, the completed note must be brought to the attendance office, room 145.
The Project Success House Structure addresses students’ cutting and overall attendance status, resulting in improved academic performance/scholarship. The project includes an Attendance Squad, located in room 145, which is made up of a coordinator, an attendance teacher, family assistants and school aides, monitoring daily attendance and cutting, and responding to teacher attendance referrals. Through direct interfacing with the guidance offices/houses, which includes Assistant Principal(s), Guidance Counselor(s), Grade Advisor(s), Dean(s), and School Aide, Project Success personnel work closely with these key staff members, assisting students in attending school on a regular basis and improving their academic performance. Project Success’ over-arching goal is dropout prevention through focused and consistent attendance outreach.
There are two main entrances to the campus of the school. The 85th Street and Narrows gate, and the 83rd Street and Narrows gate, exit the school during dismissal times can only be done via Exit 10 into the module courtyard and onto Shore Road where MTA shuttle buses will be waiting to take students up to 4th Avenue. Students choosing to walk should walk up 86th Street, the safe corridor. Students cannot cross the campus or loiter on the campus grounds during or after their school day is done.
In the event of sickness or injury, the student can come to the health office in room 244 with a hand written pass from a staff member. There the student can rest and recover. If the student is too ill to remain in school an early excuse pass is required from a parent or guardian in order to pick the student up from school. If the parent or guardian is unable to pick the student up from school, then the parent may designate a person 21 years of age or older to do so as long as they are on the emergency contact blue card. All incoming students must have their medical records on file and updated with the school nurse. Students are expected to keep their medical records and immunization records updated throughout their high school career. Students needing an elevator pass may obtain one in this office with medical documentation.
All students must have a Fort Hamilton Student Identification Card with them at all times. You will need them to enter the building on a daily basis as well as the student cafeteria and library. Students may obtain a new school I.D. card every day in the student cafeteria during their lunch period. The replacement cost for the third infraction is $2.00.
Metro Cards are given out during the first week of the fall and spring semester. In order to receive a new Metro Card a student must have their Fort Hamilton High School I.D. card, program card and a cleared school book account. If a student’s MetroCard is lost or does not work, they must go to room C-6, deactivate the lost card, and require a new card. Students who repeatedly lose their Metrocard must have a parent come up to school to pick up another metro card.