Writing Policy
Writing in ESL
1. Teachers will provide opportunities for students to maintain and update a “common errors” log as part of the editing process.
- Teachers will work with students to organize and maintain portfolios which will reflect authentic evidence of student achievement of standards (ELA Common Core, ESL, FL and NLA) beyond traditional assessment methods.
Expectations: Daily opportunities for writing in all World Language classes.
- Compositions and Essays: Expository, compare/contrast, literary response, personal narrative, research papers
- Note-taking, writing from dictation
- Written homework, exams and quizzes
- Written reflection and lesson summary in notebooks.
- Writing projects-e.g., autobiography, brochures, book and film reviews, calendars, children’s illustrated book, comic books, commercials, dialogues, interviews, journals, letters (business, friendly, literary), lyrics, menus, poetry, resumes, short stories, summaries, etc.
- Writing specific characters in Arabic, Chinese and Greek.