English as a NEW Language Courses:
English Language Learners are programmed according proficiency levels determined by the NYSESLAT and the NYSITELL.
Newcomer (EES11QN1/2)-This year long class is for Entering level English Language Learners who are new to the country.
Beginner (ESS11QB1/2) - This year long class is for Entering level English Language Learners who have some basic English skills.
Emerging (ESS11QG1/2) - This year long intermediate class is for Emerging level English Language Learners who have some English skills.
Transitioning (ESS11QP1/2) - This year long upper-intermediate class is for Transitioning level English Language Learners who have are developing English skills.
Expanding (ESS11QE1/2) - This year long advanced class is for Expanding level English Language Learners who are developing English skills and preparing for the ELA Regents Exam.
Expanding (ESS11QE3/4) - This second year of advanced class is for Expanding level English Language Learners who are developing English skills and preparing for the ELA Regents Exam.
Additional courses:
Language Skills and Assessments (ESS41QAS) - This year long class is for students below Transitioning level English who are scheduled for the ELA Regents Exam and for students who may need extra support.
Public Speaking (ESS21QPE) - This elective course is for students who have scored Commanding on the NYSESLAT and still require support from a licensed ESL teacher. The course is also available to ELLs who require elective credit.