NYC Schools Account
NYC Schools Account (NYCSA) is a web-based application that lets you to see your child’s academic and biographic information on any computer, phone, or tablet. The application is translated into nine languages other than English. In the account, you can see a child’s:
• Assessments (Test Scores)
• Attendance
• Enrollment History
• Grades
• Graduation Tracker
• Guardians
• Health Information (Fitnessgram)
• Individualized Education Program (IEP) Information
• Promotion Tracker
• Reading Level
• Schedule
• Student Documents (Report Card, Transcript, Summer School Letter)
• Transportation
How do I create an NYC Schools Account?
There are three ways you can create an NYC Schools Account. You can either visit your child’s school inperson to receive a temporary password, contact your school and verify your identity via teleconference and receive a temporary password, or you can use the Account Creation Code on the letter sent home with your child.
In Person or Online
1. Set up an appointment with your child’s school.
2. Provide a valid photo ID (for example, your passport, your driver’s license, IDNYC), your email address, and your child’s 9-digit student ID number, which can be found on his or her report card. If via teleconference, the school will verify the identity of the parent/guardian or eligible student by voice or sight.
3. When you create the account at your school or by teleconference, you’ll receive a receipt with your temporary password printed on it either in-person or by email.
4. Go to and enter your email address and temporary password. You will be asked to create a new password for your account, set up your security questions, and confirm your email address.
You will need the Account Creation Code that was sent home with your child in a letter. You can also request a letter from your child’s school. You will need this code and the child’s 9-digit student ID number to create an NYC Schools Account or to add additional children to an existing account.
1. Visit and select the “Create account” link on the login page.
2. Enter your email address and create a new password.
3. Upon signing in for the first time, you will need to select and answer three security questions and validate your email address.
4. Enter your child’s 9-digitstudent ID number. You can find your child’s ID number on their report card. If you do not have your child’s ID number, contact your child’s school.
5. Enter the unique Account Creation Code.
Sharing Access to Your Child’s Information
You can now invite other adults who are associated with your child's school record to have their own account.
You can invite other adults—like relatives or a tutor—to see information about your child in NYCSA. However, as some of this information is kept private by schools, we ask you to consider carefully whom you will invite. You control how much or how little information you want to share with them.
After signing in to your account, go to the Manage User Access page. Here you will see the adults you can share your child’s information with. You will need to provide your child’s Student ID number to the person you want to share the account with. Without that number, they will be unable to complete the account-joining process.
What Information Will I Have Access To?
Each adult associated with your child's record is assigned the role of either a Custodial, Non-custodial, or Additional user. These roles determine how much of your child’s information they can see.
• As a Custodial user, you can see all information available in your child’s NYC Schools Account. Also, you can invite other adults to view your child's information. In addition, custodial users can update their own cell phone numbers in the application to be contacted directly about emergencies.
• As a Non-custodial user, you can see most information in your child’s NYC Schools Account. Noncustodial users can also update their cell phone numbers in the application in cases of emergencies.
• As an Additional user, you can see information the child’s custodial parent shares with you.
Where can I find help on NYC Schools Account?
If you need assistance or have questions about navigating your account, contact your child’s school or call 311.
You can also learn more by visiting the NYC Schools Account webpage at
I was invited to view a child’s information in NYC Schools Account. Now what?
You will need both the Account Creation Code and the child’s 9-digit student ID, which the child’s custodial parent must share with you. You will need both pieces of information in order to create an NYC Schools Account or add the child to your existing NYC Schools Account.
The amount of information you see for the child depends upon the level of access the child’s custodial parent has granted to you. For any questions about the content or your access to a child’s NYC Schools Account, we encourage you to speak with the child’s custodial parent.
I used to have full access to the child’s information in NYC Schools Account, and now I see less information.
If your access to a child’s information in NYC Schools Account has changed, this is because of a change made by the child’s custodial parent.